
These rules define the syntax of first-order predicate logic and specify how valid formulas are constructed from atomic components.

3.1 Syntax:

In first-order predicate logic, the syntax defines the rules for constructing well-formed formulas (WFFs) from the basic components of the language. These components include terms, predicates, quantifiers, logical connectives, and variables.

Terms: A term represents an object within the domain of discourse. It can be constructed according to the following rules:

  1. Constant: A constant is a term with a fixed value belonging to the domain ( D ).

  2. Variable: A variable is a term that may take values in the domain ( D ).

  3. Function Application: If ( f ) is a function of ( n ) arguments and ( t_1, \ldots, t_n ) are terms, then ( f(t_1, \ldots, t_n) ) is also a term.

  4. Generation: All terms are generated by applying the rules above.

Predicates of Arity ( n ): A predicate represents a property or relation between objects. It is defined by its arity, which specifies the number of arguments it takes.

Atom or Atomic Formula: An atomic formula in first-order predicate logic consists of a predicate symbol followed by a list of ( n ) terms, where ( n ) is the arity of the predicate. It represents a basic assertion about objects in the domain.

Literal: A literal in first-order logic is either an atomic formula or the negation of an atomic formula.

Well-Formed Formula (WFF): A well-formed formula in first-order predicate logic is constructed according to the following rules:

  1. An atom is a WFF.

  2. If ( P[x] ) is a WFF, then ( \neg P[x] ) is also a WFF.

  3. If ( P[x] ) and ( Q[x] ) are WFFs, then ( P[x] \land Q[x] ), ( P[x] \lor Q[x] ), ( P[x] \rightarrow Q[x] ), and ( P[x] \leftrightarrow Q[x] ) are also WFFs.

  4. If ( P[x] ) is a WFF, then ( \forall x , P[x] ) and ( \exists x , P[x] ) are also WFFs.

  5. The set of all WFFs can be generated by repeatedly applying rules (1) to (4).

Well-formed formulas serve as the basis for expressing logical statements and reasoning about objects and relationships within a formal system.

CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form):

Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) is a standard form used in propositional logic and boolean algebra to represent logical formulas as a conjunction of clauses, where each clause is a disjunction of literals. In CNF, a logical formula is represented as the conjunction (AND) of multiple clauses, each of which is a disjunction (OR) of literals. CNF is important in logic because any propositional formula can be converted into an equivalent formula in CNF.

CNF is represented as follows:

F 1 ​ ∧F 2 ​ βˆ§β€¦βˆ§ F n ​


  • F 1 ​ ,F 2 ​ ,…,F n are clauses.

  • Each clause Fi is a disjunction of literals: L i1 ​ ∨L i2 ​ βˆ¨β€¦βˆ¨L im .

DNF (Disjunctive Normal Form):

Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) is another standard form used in propositional logic and boolean algebra to represent logical formulas as a disjunction of conjunctions, where each conjunction is a conjunction of literals. In DNF, a logical formula is represented as the disjunction (OR) of multiple conjunctions, each of which is a conjunction (AND) of literals. DNF is also important because any propositional formula can be converted into an equivalent formula in DNF.

DNF is represented as follows:

F 1 ​ ∨F 2 ​ βˆ¨β€¦βˆ¨F n ​


  • F1​,F2​,…,Fn​F1​,F2​,…,Fn​ are conjunctions.

  • Each conjunction Fi is a conjunction of literals: Li1β€‹βˆ§Li2β€‹βˆ§β€¦βˆ§Lim​Li1β€‹βˆ§Li2β€‹βˆ§β€¦βˆ§Lim​

CNF and DNF are standard forms used to represent logical formulas in propositional logic. CNF represents formulas as a conjunction of clauses, each of which is a disjunction of literals, while DNF represents formulas as a disjunction of conjunctions, each of which is a conjunction of literals. These forms are useful for simplifying and manipulating logical formulas in various applications, including theorem proving, model checking, and circuit design.

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