Model inference is the process of using a trained machine learning model to make predictions or decisions on new, unseen data.
Model inference, also known as prediction or inference, refers to the process of using a trained machine learning model to make predictions or decisions on new, unseen data. During inference, the model applies the knowledge it acquired during training to make predictions or classifications on input data that it hasn't seen before.
Here's an overview of the model inference process:
Input Data: New, unseen data is provided to the trained model for prediction. This data can take various forms depending on the nature of the machine learning task, such as images, text, numerical features, or time-series data.
Prediction: The model processes the input data through its learned parameters and architecture to generate predictions or classifications. For example, in a classification task, the model assigns a class label or probability distribution to each input example based on its features.
Output: The model produces output predictions, which can take different forms depending on the specific task:
Classification: For classification tasks, the model outputs class labels or probability distributions over multiple classes, indicating the likelihood of each class.
Regression: For regression tasks, the model outputs continuous numerical values, representing predictions of a target variable.
Decision Making: In some cases, the model's predictions may be used directly to make decisions or take actions. For example, in a medical diagnosis system, the model's predictions may guide treatment decisions based on the likelihood of different diseases.
Feedback Loop: In real-world applications, the model's predictions may be used to inform further actions or decisions. For example, feedback from users or downstream systems may be used to continuously improve the model's performance over time.
Example from our saved model
This Python code snippet sets up a function named classify_news
for performing inference using a pre-trained text classification model. Let's break down the key components and their functionalities:
Importing Libraries:
The code imports necessary libraries from TensorFlow and other packages required for text preprocessing and model loading.
Loading Preprocessing Artifacts:
object is loaded usingjoblib.load()
from the file path 'encoder/encoder.joblib'. This object is used to encode categorical labels.The
object is loaded from a JSON file usingtokenizer_from_json()
. The JSON file contains tokenizer configuration saved during training.
Loading the Trained Model:
The pre-trained model is loaded using
from the file path 'models/starter_swahili_news_classification_model.h5'. This model has been previously trained for text classification.
Text Normalization:
function removes punctuation, numbers, and special characters from the input text and converts it to lowercase. This ensures consistency in text processing.
Preprocessing Input Text:
function preprocesses the input text before feeding it to the model for prediction. It normalizes the text usingnormalize_text()
and tokenizes it using the loaded tokenizer. The text is then converted to a sequence of integers and padded to a fixed length usingpad_sequences()
Model Inference:
function takes an input text and preprocesses it usingpre_process()
. It then uses the pre-trained model to predict the probabilities of each class label for the input text.The probabilities are converted into a dictionary (
) where each key represents a class label, and the corresponding value represents the predicted probability.The class label with the highest probability (
) is determined usingmax()
based on the probabilities inresult_dict
The function returns a tuple containing
(probabilities for each class) andhighest_prob
(the predicted class label with the highest probability).
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